
Posting about posting

Hey! How've you been? Too long, I know. I have been all over the Northeast this week, without a computer to call my own - been bumming off friends and family. Something to be thankful for, for sure, but not conducive to updating this sort of blog. (All my music's on my laptop, and I'm not about to install or download anything onto someone else's, right?)

But I have some things prepared for next week, so stay tuned. And truly sorry about the slow week, although if you haven't read Will's posts, you should. They're rich and smokey. (Smoky? Can't decide anymore!!)

Also, check out my friends:

The Patchwork Caravan

Subscribe to their feed. Shit'll be tight, I promise.

And pick up Bon Iver's album on Tuesday, I think that's the release date. He's performing in Portland on Monday night - with BLACK MOUNTAIN! SO PUMPED! (Holding onto an extra ticket for a friend; but no harm in asking, in case things with said friend fall through. Leave a comment, get in touch.)

See you next week!

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